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We will celebrate diversity through an abundance of stories and our heritage. We’ll empower our communities to:

  • share their own tales
  • shine a spotlight on our spaces, buildings, and unique collections
  • showcase the richness of our past and present for all the world to see

What we want

  • Our borough to build on its strong heritage by finding new ways to tell its story, just as previously hidden stories within our diverse communities are told.
  • The places, buildings and collections that we have in our borough to be protected, well maintained and flourishing; and to be accessible, ensuring that everybody is able to enjoy them.
  • Everyday heritage that exists in our communities, their stories, memories, cultures and traditions to be valued and protected, and shared with future generations. 

What we will do

  • Collaborate with partners to deliver a major cultural programme in 2026 that connects young people, heritage, arts organisations and creative people to explore community stories in exciting ways.
  • Explore ways in which we can connect our communities with our heritage assets to generate new projects, ideas and ways of telling stories.
  • Increase access to our archives and collections.
  • Secure partnership investment to build capacity, leadership and engagement with our heritage.
  • Seek new, sustainable uses for underused heritage buildings and spaces.

What difference it will make

Our borough will have strengthened its heritage by 2030 through compelling tales, histories and traditions. Our places, buildings, and unique collections will be accessible, looked after and well visited by our communities as well as by visitors.