Celebrating Black history all year round: Applications open for Royal Borough of Greenwich Black History 365 arts and culture funding

Applications open for Royal Borough of Greenwich Black History 365 arts and culture funding.
New funding is available through the Black History 365 programme to local organisations to celebrate and educate on Black history with a range of events and activities in Royal Greenwich from 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023.
Black History Month has been observed in Royal Greenwich for many years, recognising the achievements and contributions people from the African and Caribbean diaspora have had in our community. Black History 365 (BH365) recognises Black history throughout the year.
We want to provide a series of cultural events to celebrate our Black residents’ heritage. Up to £6,000 funding per organisation is available to help put on events across the year, such as:
- music, dance and theatrical performances and workshops
- historical and factual events
- art installations, exhibits and craft workshops
- poetry and spoken word
Councillor Anthony Okereke, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich said:
“Black History 365 funding plays an essential part in enriching our community. We’re lucky to have so many cultures from all over the world and it's important that we celebrate and learn about the amazing, diverse, and passionate cultures surrounding us in the place we all call home.”
Councillor Adel Khaireh, Cabinet Member for Equality, Culture and Communities, said:
“It’s simply not enough to limit Black history celebrations to a single month throughout the year. Black culture is all around us, every day of every month. So, we created the BH365 grant programme to support arts and community groups to bid for funding to put on activities and events throughout the year. Passionate about celebrating your heritage and bringing the community together? - Funding is open now!”
The aim of the grant programme is to:
- support organisations and groups to create a range of culturally engaging performances, activities and events that highlight our black communities
- deepen our understanding of black history and the role of people from the African and Caribbean diaspora have had in shaping Royal Greenwich and the UK
Apply to deliver an event from 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023. Applications close at 5pm on Sunday 7 August.
For questions about your BH365 application or to attend our grant application workshop on 19 July, please contact artsgreenwich@royalgreenwich.gov.uk