Green light given for additional HMO licensing scheme across Royal Greenwich

Friday 13 October 2023

An additional licensing scheme for houses in multiple occupation (HMO) will come into effect across Royal Greenwich from early 2024 after being approved at a Cabinet meeting on 20 September 2023.

In January this year, we consulted on a proposal to introduce another five-year scheme, which was supported by over 60% of residents.  

Councillor Ann-Marie Cousins, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Enforcement, said:  “The renewal of this additional HMO licensing scheme is great news for the borough and great news for private tenants. Under the scheme, we can continue to ensure homes in the borough are safe, well-managed and well-maintained, as set out in our corporate plan, Our Greenwich. We’ll also be able to continue our work tackling rogue landlords who own or rent homes in multiple occupation without a license.”  

During the previous borough-wide additional licensing scheme which ran from 2017 until last September, good progress was made in improving HMO standards across the borough. However, a significant number of smaller HMOs remain unlicensed.   

The additional scheme will mean that landlords of smaller, three or four person HMOs in Royal Greenwich need to ensure they are fully licenced and provide decent, well-maintained homes that meet the needs of their tenants.     

For more information on private rented property licensing, visit