Council to strengthen democratic processes with proposal to create new posts to realise the ambitions of residents

Picture of the Town Hall Chambers, taken at the Woolwich Centre
Tuesday 16 July 2024

In response to the recommendations from an independent review, known as a peer challenge, of the Royal Borough of Greenwich that was conducted last year by Local Government Association, the Council is proposing to create two new political assistant posts, subject to Full Council approval on Wednesday 24 July, to strengthen governance and support councillors and political groups. 

Local authority political assistants are local government employees who undertake research and provide administrative support for the main political groups within an authority. The proposal suggests that two posts should be created proportionally: one to the majority Labour Group (35 hours per week) and one to the Conservative group (17.5 hours per week). 

Councillor Anthony Okereke, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, said: “Being a more strategic, efficient and adaptive organisation is a core part of being a strong vibrant and well-run borough that can provide the services that residents deserve.  

“Sometimes that can mean doing things differently. We have heard the Peer Challenge team loud and clear. Although the Team said we are an  ambitious council delivering solid services for residents, it also made some recommendations about how we can do things differently and I believe that creating two political assistant posts, as is common in other London councils, will improve governance as well as supporting our elected councillors and political groups appropriately and effectively to realise the ambitions of the residents that they represent.” 

If approved on Full Council on Wednesday 24 July the roles would then be advertised on the Council's careers website:  

Read the Cabinet Report.

Read the Peer Challenge Report