New additional HMO licensing scheme offers better standards for private tenants and guidance for good landlords
An additional licensing scheme for houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) comes into effect across Royal Greenwich from 1 January 2024.
The new scheme will cover properties which contain three or more residents living in separate households where a kitchen, bathroom or toilet is shared.
This new borough-wide initiative is intended for smaller HMOs and operates alongside the Council’s mandatory HMO licensing scheme. From 1 January onwards, most HMOs in Royal Greenwich will need a licence. Landlords can check if they need a Private Rented Property Licence and apply at
These schemes allow us to regulate privately rented and multiple occupation homes so that they are kept safe and are properly managed, and ensures that tenants’ rights are protected. We encourage landlords to undergo training and make sure that there is a person who can be held accountable for every property. We vet each property to ensure they are fit to hold a licence. The conditions of the licence also act as a guide for landlords, making them aware of good practice.
It's a criminal offence to operate an HMO without a licence. Anyone doing so faces an unlimited fine if they deliberately avoid licensing. Find out more about the penalties for not having a licence at
We also operate a selective licensing scheme in central Woolwich and Plumstead which includes houses or flats rented out to individual families, couples and single people. Read our selective licensing frequently asked questions at
Councillor Ann-Marie Cousins, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Enforcement, said: “Every resident has the right to a safe and well-maintained home. Our additional HMO licensing scheme is therefore a step forward for the borough and great news for private tenants.
As a Council we are committed to improving the lives and homes of private tenants, and our property licensing schemes are key to this. We will continue to work hard to tackle rogue landlords who put their tenants at risk by failing to licence their properties.”
For more information on private rented property licensing, visit