New Inclusive Economy Strategy for Royal Greenwich launched

Event attendee with the strategy document on hand, writing suggestions on a post-it note
Wednesday 17 July 2024

The strategy sets out how the Council and local partners will work together over the next ten years to create a borough where everyone can reach their potential. It will help ensure wealth and opportunity is distributed fairly across the borough. 

The new strategy forms part of a wider inclusive economy movement, focused not just on growth itself, but on how people and places can benefit from that growth.

Our Inclusive Economy Strategy will help us to do everything we can to achieve a more balanced economy and to prioritise economic activity, projects and programmes that transmit growth and success across our communities.  

Councillor Anthony Okereke, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, said: “Building a more inclusive economy is vital to our mission of tackling poverty in Royal Greenwich. This strategy redoubles our efforts ensuring that all our residents, local businesses, social enterprises, co-operative and community organisations can contribute and benefit from the opportunities that come from a successful economy.” 

The strategy is set out across three themes, which are:    

  1. People   
  2. Place   
  3. Prosperity   

Two cross-cutting themes – tackling inequality and green growth – have been identified as an important thread which runs throughout this strategy. 

Within each theme is a detailed action plan and priorities such as jobs, education and training, tackling climate change, improving town centres, delivering affordable workspace and housing that people can afford, enabling transport and infrastructure and much more.   

Councillor Jackie Smith, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy, Business, Skills and Greenwich Supports “This strategy has been developed with and for our residents, businesses and community groups. It sets the tone for a bold, shared vision for a more inclusive economy in Royal Greenwich, where the benefits of economic growth and access to opportunities are shared more fairly. This isn’t something we can deliver alone however; I look forward to working closely with partners to create more training opportunities and good jobs that pay a fair wage. Together we will take on some big challenges, from inequality to climate change and digital exclusion to health inequality. We’re working to build a fairer, more sustainable and inclusive future for us all.”. 

The strategy identifies the ways the Council can use its levers and resources and work closely with partners to address these issues. Institutions who support the strategy include local businesses, universities, colleges, hospitals, developers, and the voluntary, social enterprise and community sectors among others. 

Reflecting the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s co-operative values, it identifies the many ways the council leads the work with businesses, partners and residents to deliver positive change and secure opportunities for all.   

The strategy builds on the work we have started as part of our corporate plan, Our Greenwich which identifies our vision to 2030, and the steps we need to take to get us there. 

How we produced the strategy 

This Inclusive Economy Strategy has been shaped by a detailed analysis of socio-economic data to understand the needs and opportunities for the area. It has also been informed by a comprehensive review of policy and background information at a local, regional and national level. We have consulted with residents, businesses, the community, elected members and officers through a series of one to one conversations, focus groups, round table discussions and online consultation between November 2023 and March 2024. 

To understand the extent to which progress is being made towards our vision and priorities, we will undertake regular performance reviews against impacts and outcomes. 

Download the strategy document

View the data which informed the strategy