We're calling for the government to extend vital cost of living support

We are working to stop the government from scrapping vital funding used to strengthen our cost of living scheme, Greenwich Supports, that supports vulnerable households with food and energy costs.
From April, the government is set to axe the Household Support Fund, effectively making more than 24,000 vulnerable residents in the Royal Borough of Greenwich worse off overnight in the midst of the cost of living crisis.
To strip away funding when many residents are still feeling the crushing impact of the cost of living crisis could bring councils across the country to the brink and unable to fill the growing gaps in support. In the long term, this may mean more people fall through the cracks into crisis, while also causing a spike in demand for services such as the NHS, social care and temporary accommodation.
Councillor Mariam Lolavar, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy, Business and Skills said: “The cost of living crisis is far from over so it would be completely irresponsible for the government to pull the plug on this funding. This money has been lifesaving for families who are, through no fault of their own, having to choose between eating or heating. It’s not the time to take this lifeline away, and that’s why we’re asking for your help.
“Add your name to our petition to extend the Household Support Fund. We are asking for the government to show compassion and prevent people of all ages and backgrounds from falling through the cracks.
“The HSF was launched to help vulnerable communities with the devastating effects of the cost of living crisis. Nobody could honestly say that the crisis has come to an end, so why should the support we offer? The Household Support Fund is vital for councils like ours to offer a helping hand to those who need it most, and that’s why we’re campaigning to save it alongside dozens of other councils”
You can help by signing our petition calling to save the Household Support Fund from being axed.