Changes to Abbey Wood parking regulations to support community needs

Following consultation with residents and businesses, the Council is changing parking regulations around Abbey Wood station to protect parking for the local community and reduce congestion.
The changes are being introduced as a result of valuable feedback received from the community, where a majority of people expressed support for permit controls in the area.
Starting from 4 September 2023, the existing Abbey Wood (AW) Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) will be extended to include additional roads and a second CPZ, known as the Outer Abbey Wood (OA) CPZ will be created in other local roads. The two CPZs will help regulate parking and reduce congestion around the area. Signs and road markings will be installed in weeks before the CPZs become operational.
Cllr Averil Lekau, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Environment and Transport, said:
"The scheme at Abbey Wood will protect parking for residents, businesses and their visitors, where we’ve seen a higher demand for parking since the start of the Elizabeth Line services. It will also help to reduce people’s reliance on cars and encourage greater use of public transport. This will bring a variety of benefits to the neighbourhood, including reduced traffic congestion and improving safety for pedestrians and cyclists.”
How does this affect you?
If you live or run a business in a road where the CPZs will operate, you or any visitors wishing to park on-street during controlled times will need to have a valid permit or visitor voucher for either the ‘AW’ or ‘AO’ zone, otherwise you may receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). Please note that you will only be eligible for a permit for the CPZ your property is located within. It's essential to note that permits for the existing Abbey Wood CPZ (AW) and the new AO zone are separate, and one will not be valid in the other.
Applying for a permit:
Getting your permit is quick and easy. Create an account and apply for a permit online at
View maps of the CPZs at