We look after 3 bridges in the borough. They are:

  • Deptford Reach foot bridge
  • A200 Creek Road bridge
  • Ha'Penny Hatch foot bridge

Book a bridge lift

Vessel operators can request a bridge lift:

  • during high tide
  • at times booked in advance

Check high tide times on the Port of London website.

You'll need to:

  • give at least 12 hours' notice
  • book on a week day, Monday to Friday

For weekend crossings, you must book by 12pm the Friday before.

For public holiday crossings, you must book by 12pm on the closest week day before.

To book, call the Bridge Controllers on 020 8291 4561.

The air draft measurements for Deptford Reach and Creek Road bridges are:

  • Deptford Reach foot bridge: 2.1m
  • A200 Creek Road bridge: 2.4m

What happens next

When the Deptford Reach foot bridge is lifted, the A200 Creek Road bridge will be lifted at the same time. During this time, vehicles and pedestrians cannot cross.

Bridge lifts can last up to 15 minutes.