Search the street works register by road name, area or postcode to find out about the:

  • type of work being done
  • utility company doing the work
  • location of the works
  • planned start and end dates
  • impact category of the work (high, medium or low)
Search the road and street works register

Enquiries or complaints about roadworks on a specific street

Contact the utility company carrying out the work directly.  

If the road is maintained by Transport for London (TfL) contact TfL Street Management.

Check if the road is managed by TfL.

If you still need help after contacting the utility company, contact our Network Management team by email or post.


The Woolwich Centre
35 Wellington Street
London, SE18 6HQ  

Our responsibilities

We coordinate and monitor work carried out by utility companies in the borough.

Monitoring of street works

We meet quarterly with all the utility companies, the Metropolitan Police, and TfL to discuss major projects.

We also inspect 30% of street works carried out. If there's any issue, we work with them to resolve it. If the company does not comply, we may issue a fine. In some cases, we'll complete the street works and charge the company for the costs.

We have limited powers to charge companies for not completing work as soon as is practicable. Companies can apply for an extension of time due to unforeseen circumstances.

Traffic sensitive roads

We label some roads 'traffic sensitive' to keep traffic moving at peak times.

Download a list of traffic sensitive roads in Royal Greenwich:

Protecting new footways and roads  

We can issue a Section 58 order to prevent street works on resurfaced or newly constructed roads and footways.

We can allow street works on a protected road if there's an emergency, or a utility company needs to provide a new customer service.