Disabilities or conditions that affect someone's mobility may not always be visible.  

Check Blue Badge holder rights and responsibilities (GOV.UK).

What to report

It could be fraud if a Blue Badge is:

  • used by someone else when the badge holder is not with them
  • not displayed correctly
  • being used after it's expired or reported lost or stolen
  • altered or copied
  • used by someone who gave false information when they applied
  • not valid, for example, because the badge holder died

Report Blue Badge fraud

Tell us if you know or suspect someone is misusing a Blue Badge. 

You should include as much information as you can about the:

  • vehicle
  • Blue Badge, for example, the number and council that issued it
  • person using it
  • reason you think it's being misused

Send this to us by email, at: mobility-duty@royalgreenwich.gov.uk

What happens next

We'll investigate all reports of Blue Badge fraud.  

It is a criminal offence to misuse a Blue Badge. Someone found guilty could be fined £1,000 and have their badge taken away from them.