If you’re using this service for the first time, ask your GP, district nurse or hospital to refer you.
They can then complete and submit a request online using the clinical waste collection form.
Once they have referred you, you can start booking collections yourself by using the contact details below.
Once your request has been approved, we'll:
- send you a confirmation email
- contact you to understand what you need for your collection
After you’ve been referred, you can start booking collections by contacting us using the details below.
Items we collect
We collect clinical waste like:
- dressings
- needles
- swabs
- syringes with needles removed
- incontinence bags (catheters)
- stoma or colostomy bags
- stomach feeding tubes
- PEG needles and tubing
- medical instruments
- cytostatic medication
Items we do not collect
We do not collect all clinical waste:
used nappies
- latex gloves, overalls, face masks
- feeding tubes and liquid food
- sanitary waste
- clothing
- unused drugs or tablets
You can put items we do not collect into your black-top bin. If you have unused drugs or tablets, take them to a pharmacy.
You must put your sharp boxes out before 6 am on the collection day.
Contact Street Services
Telephone: 020 8921 4661