Contamination is when you put the wrong items in your blue and green top bin. This affects what happens to your waste because it cannot be recycled.

If you contaminate your bin 

If you put the wrong items in your bin:

  • it will not be collected
  • we'll put a red tag on it and send you a letter explaining why

You'll need to remove the incorrect items so that we can empty your bin on your next collection date.

If your bin is contaminated a second time, it will be tagged again, and you'll get another letter.

If your bin is contaminated 3 times, we'll remove it permanently. 

If your communal bin is contaminated 

If you live in a block of flats and your communal recycling bins are often contaminated, we'll advise residents about recycling.  

If it keeps happening, we'll consider removing the bin. If this happens, we’ll give you free clear sacks so you can continue recycling.

How to avoid contaminating your bins 

You must avoid contaminating your bin. To do this:  

Watch our video or read the transcript to learn more about how contamination affects what happens to your waste.