Help to hire a PA
If you’d like us to help you find and hire a personal assistant, we can help you:
- write a job description stating your requirements
- advertise in the Jobcentre Plus or local paper
- book a place to interview them if you do not want to do this in your home
- interview candidates
- write letters
- contact references
- do a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check on successful applicants
- understand different ways to pay them
When writing your job advert you it may be okay to:
- say if you need someone to speak a specific language
- Say if you want someone to be the same gender as you if they’ll be doing personal care
You cannot discriminate in your job advert. This means you cannot ask for someone of a specific race, religion, age or sexuality.
Get advice about hiring someone from ACAS
Get matched to a suitable PA
We work with Greenwich Local Labour and Business (GLLAB) who support local people to find work.
They can:
- match candidates interested in working as a PA to your job advert
- send you suitable CVs
- give candidates pre-employment training
You can contact GLLAB by: